Innovative Massage Therapy

We deal with pain so you don't have to!


Katrina's approach is equal parts intuitive and technical. Because her technical capacity is so extensive, the combination leads to particularly powerful results. When I had a crippling sciatic episode, Katrina was able to target the connected systems that were involved in my injury (hip, low back, and opposite shoulder) to move my recovery forward. Her treatments resulted in the first pain- free moments I had experienced in over four months. Her work lead to the correction of long-time imbalances.  Katrina's training in Canada was more extensive than what is required for licensure here in New Mexico and the difference shows. Her diagnosing techniques were more thorough and her treatment plan was more comprehensive and productive than I expected or hoped for. Her therapeutic capacity is enormous. Working with Katrina was one of the best and most important decisions I made in managing my recovery.      - Linda W


 I have experienced numerous conditions including stiffness in spinal column, chronic lower back pain, and occasional neck pain. It has been difficult and even uncomfortable to maintain proper posture when sitting or standing. Over time, I developed a slumped posture and my right shoulder drooped to about three inches below my left shoulder. These conditions undoubtedly resulted from old injuries in sporting accidents and a rear-end automobile collision.  About six weeks after starting weekly massage therapy treatments, my posture has greatly improved, back pain has mostly disappeared, and neck rotation has increased considerably. One of the best things I've noticed is arising each morning with little or no pains or stiff joints.        - Leon C.


I had to wear compression hose and oversize shoes for more than a dozen years due to excessive swelling in my lower legs, ankles and feet. Doctors diagnosed weakened venous valves in my legs as being mostly responsible for accumulation of fluids resulting in the swelling.  Within four or five weeks of Katrina beginning twice weekly massage therapy on my legs and feet, all swelling disappeared. I am now able to wear ordinary shoes and no longer use compression hosiery.     - Joan C.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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